Oscar Gonzalez-Recio

Profile Url: OscarGenomics

Senior Research Scientist at INIA & Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria


Oscar González-Recio completed his PhD in 2006. Since then, he has conducted research in three continents including the University of Wisconsin in the USA, the Department of Environment and Primary Industries in Australia, and the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research in Spain. He is also associate professor at the UPM University.

His expertises include genomic selection, statistical genomics, epigenetics, metagenomics and sequencing.

Since 2013, his research mainly focuses on genomic applications to breed for more efficient and sustainable livestock with lower methane emissions. Recently, the role of the microbiome in the sustainability of animal husbandry towards a ONE HEALTH concept is getting much of his research interest.

During the COVID19 pandemic, Oscar participated in sequencing samples from COVID patients using Nanopore technology.

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