Active and repressed chromatin domains exhibit distinct nucleosome segregation during DNA replication

0 views • Nov 7, 2021


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Thelma M. Escobar

Published 1 Project


Ozgur Oksuz

Roberto Bonasio

Published 2 Projects

Neuroscience Biochemistry


Danny Reinberg

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Published in Cell, 2019-11-01

Chromatin domains and their associated structures must be faithfully inherited through cellular division to maintain cellular identity. Yet, accessing the localized strategies preserving chromatin domain inheritance, specifically the transfer of parental, pre-existing nucleosomes with their associated post-translational modifications (PTMs) during DNA replication is challenging in living cells. We devised an inducible, proximity-dependent labeling system to irreversibly mark replication-dependent H3.1 and H3.2 histone-containing nucleosomes at single desired loci in mouse embryonic stem cells such that their fate after DNA replication could be followed. Strikingly, repressed chromatin domains are preserved through the local re-deposition of parental nucleosomes. In contrast, nucleosomes decorating active chromatin domains do not exhibit such preservation. Notably, altering cell fate leads to an adjustment in the positional inheritance of parental nucleosomes that reflects the corresponding changes in chromatin structure. These findings point to important mechanisms that contribute to parental nucleosome segregation to preserve cellular identity.

Biochemistry 38 Projects